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ORM - Online Reputation Management

Even Yahoo / Google about "ORM" or "online reputation management", you will find very little about ORM related presentations, but we are experts in this field, you can certainly help enterprises to maintain a good brand image!





Main Services

Our professionals will first entire project / brand overall assessment analysis, for example, find out what keywords may be seized of brand / corporate adverse information on the home page, find the source of its authority and the degree of negative information, and then the whole project the degree of difficulty there is a certain understanding, and then make the policy arrangements.Remove / reduce search engine relevant negative information for additional information disappears from the search engine results page or the front page a few pages.Use SEO techniques to post articles related to positive messages replace negative position.Through our professional ORM strategy, not only can safely maintain its established brand reputation in the online world of the web, but also those of their brand or company to prevent the negative comments in the web world.

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